If You Do Your Own Inspections
Like many facilities managers and building owners, you prefer to do your own inspection, testing, and maintenance. It enables you to stay in control of everything that happens in your facility and ensure that work is performed to your particular standards. However, this approach has its challenges, and Xaap can help you address them.
Increase efficiency and accuracy
Validate inspection process and results with optional barcodes or a gateway connection to supported panels.
Streamline inspection efforts
Xaap helps you establish an orderly process for performing fire, life safety and security system inspections, reducing inspection time.
Leverage time-saving templates
Out-of-the-box, standardized templates are available for TJC, DNV and NFPA 10, 15, 25 and 72 reports. They can also be modified to stay current with changing regulations or individual needs.
Get 24/7 report access
Inspection reports are stored digitally, in the cloud, so you can access them from a web browser easily and any time, rather than sifting through documents in filing cabinets.
Create Reports Your Way
Xaap comes with satandardized, out-of-the-box templates that support reports foe NFPA 10, 15, 25 and 72, The Joint Commission and DNV. Reports can also be customized as needed or as requirements change.