Add and Edit Building Contacts

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Use the ‘Building Contacts’ functionality to store the information of the site’s contact person(s) (e.g. Building Manager, Maintenance Manager, etc.). All contacts added in this section will be available in the ‘Email Recipients’ section, just before you close an inspection, and you will be able to send a copy of the final report to them.

If you are a service provider user, do not use Building Contacts to store your colleagues’ or company distribution list email addresses. Use the ‘Profile Contacts’ functionality instead.

Watch the video below or skip to the step by step instructions.

Access the Building Contacts Section

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In an open inspection, click the top left menu icon and select the ‘Building Contacts’ option. You will be presented with all available Building Contacts for the site you are inspecting.

Access Building Contacts

Add a Building Contact

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Click on the ‘+’ icon in the top right corner of the screen. Add the contact details using the form provided and tap the ‘Add’ button.

When you are finished, scroll down to verify that the contact has been added properly.

Add a Building Contact

Edit or Delete Building Contacts

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To modify an existing contact, tap on the ‘Edit’ button next to the name of the Building Contact. Modify any of the values in the form and then click ‘Save’.

To delete a Building Contact, tap on the ‘Delete’ button next to the name of the contact and confirm. 

Edit a Building Contact

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