Moving Buildings

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In just a few simple steps, you can move your building to any facility within your account, even if you want to move it to a different customer.

When you move a building, all its devices, contacts, notes, and historical reports will automatically move with it. All you need to do is have your target location ready (you cannot create a new customer or facility during the moving process).

IMPORTANT: You cannot move buildings with ongoing active inspections. You must close or delete any open inspections before performing this action!

Follow the steps below to learn how to move a building:

  1. If you haven’t already, log into the Xaap Inspection web application and select your account.
  1. Find the customer your building is in and click ‘Manage’.

Manage customer

  1. There are two ways to start the process:
    • Find the building in the list of places in the facility overview and click the three dots next to it. Select the option ‘Move’.

Move building step 1

    • Or, find the building in the Account Organization panel on the left, select it, and then click the ‘Move’ button in the top right corner of the screen.

Move building step 1

  1. Select your target Customer. 
  1. Select your target Facility.
  1. Double check that you have the correct building, facility, and customer selected and hit ‘Confirm’.

Moving a building

  1. Your building will now be listed under the specified target facility!
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