Get Unparalleled Visibility

Xaap gives you a clear, broad view of inspection status throughout your area

putting control back in your hands

Get 24/7 digital access

Inspection reports are stored digitally, in the cloud, so you can access them from anywhere, rather than sifting through filing cabinets and manually searching documents for deficiencies.

Evaluate inspection data easily

Xaap follows a consistent and familiar format for the delivery of TJC, DNV and NFPA 10, 15, 25 and 72 reports, so you can zero in quickly on critical information.

Prioritize confidently

Xaap gives you the ability to quickly digest and prioritize the issues throughout your area and take actions on these items accordingly.

Request a demo of our
inspection reporting application

See how Xaap can help you see and evaluate compliance status across your area