Xaap for Healthcare Institutions
Utilize out-of-the-box TJC and DNV templates
Get robust, ready-to-use report templates that address The Joint Commission and DNV GL NIAHO priorities. Reports follow a consistent structure and format, regardless of who performs the inspection or at which location.
Enable collaboration and consistency
With Xaap, you assign individual permissions, deciding who has access to individual buildings, locations or system inspections. Yet everyone works from a shared source of data so tasks are better coordinated and everyone stays in sync.
Get a centralized view
Xaap gives you full visibility across all healthcare campus buildings, so you know reports are being produced on time, deficiencies are being addressed and inventory is being kept up to date. View, download and share building or campus-wide reports easily.
Clarify discrepancies
Xaap's inventory tracking and reconciliation functionality automatically compares the list of devices covered during an inspection with previous lists, and allows you to document the reasons for the discrepancy, such as building additions or renovations.
Create Reports Your Way
Xaap comes with standardized, out-of-the-box templates that support reports for NFPA 10, 15, 25 and 72, The Joint Commission and DNV. Reports can also be customized as needed or as requirements change.